On day two we spent the day at the Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau Castles. We took a tour from Munich, when we met
in the morning our tour guide told us that she couldn’t guarantee that we would
be able to see the castle from a distance. We were momentarily bummed but “wutch you gonna do”, so off
we went? When we arrived in
Hohenschwangau, the village the castle overlooks, it was raining and really
foggy, this rain quickly turned to sleet, and the sleet turned to snow. It snowed for a long time and the
castle looked really cool in the fog.
Then after our tour when we came out of the castle it was clear, there
was even a bit of blue sky. So we
got to see the castle in lots of different weather!!
King Ludwig II grew up in the
Hohenschwangau Castle, well actually a
house next to the castle. He had
the Neuschwanstein Castle built in the 19
th century. The castle was never actually finished
because he died prematurely. This
is the castle that Disney based its castle off of.
Hohenschwangau Castle |
House where King Ludwig grew up. |
Neuschwanstein Castle |
Inside it was beautiful as well very intricately painted and
King Ludwig’s love for fairytales and swans is evident everywhere.
Painted walls in the Throne Room |
A picture of Jesus above throne as the King of Kings |
Mosaic floors |
We were lucky because they day we visited the lookout bridge
was open so we could get some more great pictures!!!