On Saturday Hayley and Kyle took Laura and I to Piha Beach on the other side of Auckland. It took a bit longer than an hour to get there through the Waitakere Ranges but there were some great views and cool looking plants. I tried to take pictures but we were going too fast so they didn’t turn out. The road through the forest was crazy. It was so curvy and hilly that I was happy when we finally reached the beach!
Piha Beach is an iron sand beach so the sand is black. It is a very dangerous beach because of the large surf, undertows, and currents. In New Zealand they have a T.V. show called Piha Rescue because of all of the people who get into sticky situations here. There were lots of lifeguards on duty as well as rescue boats patrolling the water. They had two flags and we were told that if you swam between those flags the lifeguards could help us. The ironic part was the flags were only about 25 yards apart. Needless to say we didn’t go into the water beyond out knees.
At Piha there are several very large rock structures that we were able to climb on. When we first saw the beach we were looking down on it from a cliff. In the first picture you can see Lion Rock. Once on the beach we could climb halfway up Lion Rock on a small footpath!
This is a picture that I took when I was climbing on Lion Rock in the distance you can see the other large rock formation and that is Camel Rock. We also did some climbing around Camel Rock but not on it because we were told that is where most of the rescues on the show are. We got to see lots of starfish and muscles in the tide pools and shallow areas on the rocks. We also saw this boy and his grandfather fishing for crabs with a line and a small bit of fish.

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