Friday, November 11, 2011

Cool Things Happening at School

The school that I am at had done some really cool things this term already.  Students have an assembly almost every week.  This is either a full school assembly or an assembly by grade.  The amazing parts besides the point of the assembly is how the students enter, exit, and sit through them.  Students walk down the street towards the hall or gym silently.  Then they enter the hall or gym (depending on if it is full school or by grade) in perfect rows and sit in these rows.  Students sit silently and wait for the assembly to being.  Then when the assembly is over the students exit the same way the entered, in perfect rows and silently.  It is the most amazing and unreal thing I have seen.

So either last week or the week before we had an assembly and Daynon Loader spoke to the students about perseverance and working hard to achieve their goal.  The cool part is that he is an Olympic gold metal winner in swimming.  I was very excited cause he talked about swimming and how hard he had to work to make it to the Olympics.  After the assembly my class was in the gym practicing high jump for the upcoming athletics day when he came into the gym and talk to the class some more.  So long story short I got my picture taken with him!      

 Then today we had water bombing (a water bomb is what they call water balloons) at school.  Teacher (including myself) volunteer to get water bombed and then their names are put into a drawing.  Students have been able to buy bandanas for the last several weeks and for every bandana you buy you get to choose a slip out of the drawing.  If you choose a teachers name (some slips are blank) you get to water bomb that teacher.  All the money from this fundraiser then goes to support cancer research, and the students get to wear their bandana on bandana day or the day of water bombing.  

It was so much fun, teachers and students really got into it.  I think the students enjoy watching and water bombing the teachers, but I think the teachers that get involved might enjoy this event even more than the kids. All the teachers brought out a bucket and were filling them at the tap, running after each other and throwing water.  Some teachers wore huge long raincoats to protect themselves and other   teachers brought and filled super soakers and all teachers and some students who were present were soaked!  I got several buckets of water over the head and a lot of water bombs thrown at me.      

Right after a cold bucket of water down my back! 

I dont look too drenched in this final picture but believe me I was!  Good thing it was a really nice day. 

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